Empowering Addiction Treatment Centers through Outcomes-Based Marketing

Sober Group: Your Technical Outsourcing Partner for Addiction Treatment Marketing and Consulting

Sober Group was founded to support those who help others by promoting addiction treatment centers to potential clients via various online channels, as well as branded radio and television commercials. Our goal is to make a difference in people's lives by guiding them towards a clean and sober lifestyle, and the internet is the primary platform to reach them. Our previous clients have experienced significant improvements in their search engine rankings through our efforts, and we are confident that we can do the same for you.

We assist addiction treatment centers and mental health clinics in competing with larger organizations' seemingly limitless marketing budgets. With experience working alongside Fortune 500 companies, we are well-versed in their strategies and can leverage them to benefit your center. Our research indicates that the demand for marketing services for new rehabilitation facilities has risen this year. We also offer consulting services to help these centers avoid common pitfalls that hinder many new addiction treatment establishments.

At Sober Group, we ensure that our clients fully benefit from our customized, fully managed marketing strategy tailored to the unique needs of each addiction treatment center. Our comprehensive approach includes branded radio and television commercials, online public relations, and national and local search engine optimization (SEO) for rehab facilities. By employing these strategies, we lay a strong foundation for growth and consistently deliver measurable results, establishing you as a trusted authority in your region on all matters related to addiction treatment. 

Contact us for more information on how we can help you build a thriving treatment center. Additionally, our addiction treatment billing services ensure that your facility receives appropriate reimbursement from insurance providers.

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